(partnership with UCSD's CREATE program)
In partnership with Thurgood Marshall College (TMC), CREATE has overseen and collaborated in the establishment of multiple partnership schools, one of which is Gompers Preparatory Academy (GPA): a reformed charter school focused on college readiness for students in grades 6-12. This school is located in a historically under-served community, and supports the achievement of local youth through a college preparatory school culture which emphasizes higher education as an attainable and beneficial opportunity.
The student population at Gompers Preparatory Academy is approximately 70% Latino/a, 20% African American, and 10% Asian. About 40% of the students speak a native language other than English at home, and approximately 20% of students have special needs. Nearly 100% of the student population is considered low-income, and will be the first in their families to attend college. Gompers Preparatory Academy graduated 100% of their first senior class in June 2012, and all of the students are pursuing post-secondary education at a 2-year or 4-year college.
UCSD students serve as tutors and mentors on our campus. YOU are the face of college, and are seen as a positive role model for post-secondary achievement. Our students and teachers depend on you as supportive adults in their classrooms, NOT passive observers. HDP 191 students must be ready to consistently engage with our students to promote learning. Yes, it is challenging to take mental notes of your observations while having an active role in the classroom. Be aware this is the nature of field research in a school setting. Our teachers are happy to offer helpful information outside of class time, but you must proactively communicate your needs. Please understand student achievement is our number one priority, and we appreciate it when UCSD students are also committed to this goal.
Grades 6 -12 (ages approximately 11-18 years old).
Orientation is mandatory for all UCSD students prior to start date. Group orientation takes place at UCSD during Week 0 and Week 1 of the fall, winter and spring quarters. Site tours are available upon request.
Covered at orientation.
Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm (school day) and 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (after-school program). Mondays are minimum days, and classes end at 12:45 pm.
Students should try to schedule time to be onsite for at least two consecutive class periods per day. Class periods are 80 minutes long - see bell schedule on school website for times.
Site prefers to avoid scheduling students for Monday hours due to shortened class periods (also not optimal for field research purposes).
Business attire.
(1) Letter of clearance from HDP Field Research Coordinator
(2) Online Volunteer Application (emailed to student after site placement is confirmed)
(3) TB Test (done within the past 2 years)
Mariko Cavey (mcavey@ucsd.edu)
Mariko Cavey: 858-534-8489
1005 47th Street San Diego, CA 92102